What Can I Expect?
Soul Flow is your virtual retreat 'temple' space facilitated by
Intuitive | Soul Practitioner, Lauren Dorsey.
Your personal (24/7/365) sacred space you can escape to "retreat" from everyday life.
I say often, we need to drop out of the mind and down into the body in order to connect with the soul. In this space, you will receive the tools and resources for you to do just that.
From meditations, breathing techniques, energy clearings & healings, Soul Journeying, mindfulness, wisdom drops and more.
As time goes on, the temple (or library) will continue to grow, as will the essence of your Soul.
Xo, Lauren
Follow this link or paste it in your browser to access your meditation. https://mailchi.mp/395d0785ebe6/meditation-by-the-ocean